Financial Social Work

One on Ones: Therapy For Your Money

Money Workshops:

Money Trauma: healing lineages of struggle

Financial Social Work

Financial Social Work is a holistic model that supports financial wellbeing.

Financial Social Workers support people in exploring their attitudes, thoughts, and feelings about money, both conscious and unconscious, in order to shift financial behavioral patterns.

FSWers provide financial knowledge to guide people in building improved economic stability and financial circumstances.

FSWers also engage in collaborative skill building in order to help people establish healthier money habits such as paying off debt, engaging in value based spending, saving more for self and community, investing and building wealth.

How you relate to money is how your money moves.

Origin Story

As the eldest daughter of immigrant parents, I hold the blessings and the burdens of my lineage. When it comes to finances, my inheritance has been humility, gratitude, generosity, the importance of security (saving) and independence. I have also had to carry the weight of financial stress, worry, fear, doubt and scarcity. 

Ten years ago, I birthed my private practice. Entrepreneurship required that I engage in intentional inquiry around my relationship with money, work, productivity and capitalism. It also led to clarity about my values and priorities which allowed me to consider what financial freedom could look like for me and my descendants. 

This journey of healing my money has permitted me to share, educate and mentor others informally on how to be in right relationship with their own. Last year, I made the intentional decision to get certified in Financial Social Work so that the topic of healing money could become a central offering in my business. This is the manifestation of that labor. 

Money Philosophy

I believe that we come from abundant ancestors, collectives, lands, medicines, and tradition. A long line of innovators, survivors and resistors, who created value, saw opportunity in themselves and their skills, and witnessed themselves reflected in the abundance of the natural world. People who saved seeds and planted beautiful gardens for their descendants.

We move in gratitude.


I am guided by the abundance of Mother Nature who provides generously for us all. 

I am led by the collectivist values of my ancestors. 

I am invested in social justice, redistribution, reparations, and Land Back. 

I renounce “Imperialist White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy” - bell hooks

I reject this country’s values of self-interest, individualism, scarcity and exploitation.

I am a wholistic healer. I believe in the importance of integrating the mind, body, heart and spirit when it comes to our finances. I understand that money is energy, a tool, and a strategy for getting our individual and collective needs met. Therefore we must be in right relationship with it.

Whether you are still in survival or already thriving, I am a co-conspirator equally invested in your wealth.

We are abundant. We are resourced. We are overflowing.