“I come from a radical and revolutionary lineage.”

My name is Diana Mena. She/her/ella. I am a first generation Nicaraguan American, a bilingual (Spanish/English) and bicultural, Woman of Color. I come from a radical and revolutionary lineage. I am an oldest daughter. I am a mother to a fierce daughter and a gentle son. I am rooted in Seattle,Washington and in the motherland, Nicaragua (Nicanahuac o Nic-atl-nahuac).
I am a licensed clinical activist and social justice worker. I completed a Bachelors in Sociology from Seattle University and a Masters in Social Work from the University of Washington. I was trained at Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress.
I have over 13 years experience working with nonprofit agencies and community mental health clinics providing case management and therapy for low income, marginalized populations, and communities of color. I am an Ethnic Minority Mental Health Specialist for the Hispanic Population (EMMHS).
I started my private practice in 2016.
I offer a wholistic and radical approach to medicina; reclaiming ancestral practices and ritual. I guide people who want to heal themselves and their lineage for the benefit of the collective. I make healing accessible to all, while naming white supremacist capitalist patriarchy (bell hooks), and imagining a world outside of oppressive systems.
As a politicized healer I am in a continual process of decolonizing myself and my praxis.
I am a consultant, educator, presenter, and supervisor who centers liberation and healing.
I am an embodied entrepreneur, redefining what success, sustainability and financial freedom look like within and outside of capitalism. I am reclaiming our birthright of abundance and mentoring others in this process.
In 2018, I was honored with the Washington State Society's Clinical Social Worker Award for my work incorporating social justice into clinical practice.
In 2024, I became certified in Financial Social Work.
Mi nombre es Diana Mena. Soy hija de inmigrantes Nicaragüenses, primera generación nacida en los Estados Unidos. Soy bilingüe (Español/Inglés) y bicultural. Me identifico como mujer de color, Latina. Vengo de un linaje radical y revolucionario. Soy la hija mayor. Soy madre de una hija luchadora y un hijo tierno. Estoy enraizada en Seattle, Washington y en la tierra natal de mis ancestros, Nicaragua (Nicanahuac o Nic-atl-nahuac).
Soy una trabajadora social licenciada y activista. Soy graduada de Seattle University; licenciatura de Sociología y de la Universidad de Washington; maestría en Trabajo Social. Recibí mi entrenamiento en Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress.
Tengo más de trece años de experiencia trabajando con organizaciones sin fines de lucros y clínicas de salud mental proveyendo servicios de terapia y abogacía para gente de bajo ingresos y comunidades de color.
Fundé mi práctica privada en el 2016.
Soy terapeuta. Supervisora. Consultora, Educadora y Presentadora. Emprendedora.
Ofrezco servicios holísticos y radicales, enraizados en la medicina y los rituales ancestrales. Soy una guía para personas que quieren sanarse y sanar sus linajes por el beneficio de la colectiva. Promuevo la sanación abundantemente. Siempre criticando la supremacía blanca, el patriarcado, el capitalismo e imaginando un mundo libre de opresión.
En el 2018 recibí el Washington State Society's Clinical Social Worker Award por mi trabajo incorporando la justicia social en mi práctica.
En el 2024, recibí la certificación en la especialidad de trabajo social financiero.
Bell Hooks: All About Love
Don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements
Jasmine Syedullah, Lama Rod Owens, Rev Angel Kyodo Williams: Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love and Liberation
Ken Honda: Happy Money
Paulo Coelhe: The Alchemist
Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss
Rudolfo Anaya: Bless Me Última
Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez: Your Money or Your Life
Bethany Webster: Discovering the Inner Mother
Bessel Van der Kolk: The Body Keeps The Score
Gabor Mate: When The Body Says No
Joy De Gruy: Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Judith Herman: Trauma & Recovery
Mark Wolynn: It Didn’t Start With You
Resmaa Menakem: My Grandmother’s Hands
Rupa Marya & Raj Patel: Inflamed